Suggestions from the Blog

Startrails over desert scene in Sossuvlei

A Desert’s Sky

In addition to lots of positive feedback (thank you all for your comments!) my image "A Desert's Sky" has also raised lots of questions all around the web. How did you do it? Which settings did you use? What equipment? Here's a little…

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Colourful sediment on Vinicunca the rainbow mountain in Perú.

Rainbow Ridge

I coincidentally stumbled upon Perú's Rainbow Mountain while planning last year's trip. What was intended as a little detour from our 5 day trek circling snowcapped Ausangate turned into an arduous 11-hour hike above an altitude of 4700m.…

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Light filtering through rainforest vegetation.

Play of Light

I’m back again with news about conservation efforts – this time it’s bad news though. The headline struck me like lightning last week: Nicaragua signed an agreement allowing a chinese investor to build an inter-ocean shipping canal right…

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Foggy sunrise at Almsee

Surreal Revelation

I’ve been trying to capture the beauty of my homecountry Austria for some time now. So far with limited success. But two days ago, after many not so satisfactory attempts, I finally got what I had been waiting for so long. And here it is:…

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Looking the Cañadon del Rio de las Vueltas in Parque Nacional los Glaciares

The Far Side

It was our third morning out there and we had already been thinking about not even getting out of the car. All that we could see in the west was a thick layer of low lying clouds. A few curtains of rain were hauled around by the wind.…

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